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The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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HIV/AIDS Services

Florida Department of Health in St. Johns County

protect yourself. Know your HIV 

Order a free at-home HIV Self-Test Kit to have it shipped directly to you. 

The Florida Department of Health has developed a comprehensive program for preventing the spread of HIV and for providing treatment to people living with HIV.  The Florida Department of Health in St. Johns County (DOH–St. Johns) can link HIV positive clients to medical care, case management, Ryan White and Medicaid services, and we offer a variety of confidential HIV and AIDS services.

Available Services

The Florida Department of Health in St. Johns County (DOH–St. Johns) can link HIV positive clients to medical care, case management, Ryan White and Medicaid services, and we offer a variety of confidential HIV and AIDS services, including:

  • Counseling
  • Education
  • HIV/AIDS Rapid Testing (results available in as little as 20 minutes)
  • Prevention
  • Treatment

Eligibility Documentation

Types of documentation that may be needed for eligibility:

  • A valid photo I.D
  • Your insurance card
  • Proof of income for the past 30 days
  • If you are coming in for service eligibility, a case manager can let you know what additional documents you will need

Is an Appointment Required?

Walk-in testing is done without appointments on a first come, first served basis.  For all other services, to best serve you, we ask that you make an appointment by calling DOH-St. Johns.

AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP)

The AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) is a statewide, federally funded prescription medication program for low income people living with HIV. This program provides medications to uninsured or underinsured individuals living with HIV, authorized under 42 U.S.C. § 300ff-26. Services are provided through the distribution of medication directly to eligible clients or by purchase of health insurance that includes coverage for HIV/AIDS medications.

Our mission is to provide access to HIV-related prescription drugs, disease management expertise, and support services to our clients in the most cost-effective manner.

If you are HIV positive and:

  • In need of HIV/AIDS prescriptions
  • Have income at 400% or less of the Federal Poverty Level
  • Are uninsured or do not have adequate prescription coverage
  • Are not confined to a hospital, nursing home, hospice, or correctional facility

DOH-St. Johns — ADAP Can Help! Visit Adap Enrollment to get started.

For more information, visit the Florida Department of Health’s HIV/AIDS Section.


We are here to help, please call DOH–St. Johns.