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Rx Connects

Florida Department of Health - St. Johns County

Rx Connects (Florida Prescription Drug Donation Repository) 

Rx Connect. Florida Prescription Drug Donation Repository Program

Florida Rx Connects was created within the Florida Department of Health to facilitate the donation of certain prescription drugs and supplies to eligible patients through the creation of repositories, where eligible organizations or facilities may make such donations.

How does Florida Rx Connects work?

There are three key components of this program: Repositories, Donors, and Patients. Each of these components include strict guidelines as to who may be eligible to participate.


The following entities may participate as a repository:

  • Health care practitioner’s office.
  • Pharmacy.
  • Hospital with a closed drug delivery system.
  • Nursing home facility with a closed drug delivery system.
  • Free or nonprofit health clinic that is licensed or permitted to dispense medicinal drugs in Florida.

Please click  here  for more information on how to become a repository.

Click  here  to see a list of participating repositories.


The following entities are eligible to donate to an established repository under this program:

  • Nursing home facilities with closed drug delivery systems
  • Hospice facilities that have maintained control of a patient’s prescription drugs.
  • Hospitals with closed drug delivery systems.
  • Pharmacies.
  • Drug manufacturers or wholesale distributors.
  • Medical device manufacturers or suppliers.
  • Prescribers who receive prescription drugs or supplies directly from a drug manufacturer, wholesale distributor, or pharmacy.

Please click here  for more information on how to become a prescription drug or supply donor.

Individuals Wishing to Donate

*Please Note* The statutory authority for this program does not include the donation of prescription drugs or supplies from individuals. There are organizations that allow donations from individuals, however at this time individuals are not able to donate to Rx Connects.


Eligibility requirements for patients:

  1. Have a family income that is below 200% of the federal poverty level as defined by the most recently revised poverty income guidelines, according to the United States Department of Health and Human Services OR uninsured or underinsured.
  2. Be a resident of Florida
  3. Have a valid prescription for a donated drug
  4. Complete and submit a Florida Rx Connects Patient Application and Dispensing form

Please click  here for more information on how to become a patient of the Florida Rx Connects program.

Help spread the word about Rx Connects, a program that has the potential to help many Floridians who are unable to afford their prescription drugs and supplies.

Immunity from Liability and Disciplinary Action

Any donor of prescription drugs or supplies and any participant in the program who exercises reasonable care in donating, accepting, distributing, or dispensing prescription drugs or supplies under the program is immune from civil or criminal liability and professional disciplinary action by the state for any injury, death, or loss to person or property relating to such activities.
A pharmaceutical manufacturer who exercises reasonable care is not liable for any claim or injury arising from the donation of any prescription drug or supply under this section, including, but not limited to, liability for failure to transfer or communicate product or consumer information regarding the donated prescription drug or supply, including its expiration date.

Additional information about Florida Rx Connects is available on the program webpage. Florida Rx Connects is managed by the Florida Department of Health, Division of Emergency Preparedness and Community Support, Bureau of Public Health Pharmacy. This program is authorized by section 465.1902, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 64J-4, Florida Administrative Code.

Comments and Questions may be sent to: Please allow at least 24-hours for a response.

Content Source: | Florida Rx Connects program page

Content Last Modified Date: Mar 11, 2024