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The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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Sharps Disposal Program

Florida Department of Health in St. Johns County Environmental Public Health Program

St. Johns County residents may safely dispose of biohazardous medical waste, such as syringes with attached needles and disposable lancets, at the following sites:

Sharps disposal binSharps are just one category of biohazardous waste and include needles, scalpel blades, glass and pipettes that are used or contaminated with body fluids. Biohazardous waste must be disposed of according to federal, state and local regulations. Used needles and other contaminated sharps must be placed in a puncture-resistant, leak-proof container that is closable and is red in color or marked with a biohazard label. Residents should never dispose of needles in household recycling or garbage bins. 

Sharps are objects having the potential to puncture or lacerate and include syringes with attached needles and disposable lancets. Improper disposal can cause problems ranging from placing other residents and waste management workers at health risk, to clogging lift stations when disposed in the sewer system. Sharps can transmit Hepatitis, AIDS and other fluid-borne pathogens. As the health care industry moves toward increasing the number of procedures patients can do at home, such as self-administered insulin, the safe disposal of used Sharps is a public health concern.