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County Health Rankings & Roadmaps

Florida Department of Health in St. Johns County

County Health Rankings Report

The County Health Rankings and Roadmaps measure the health of nearly all counties in the nation and rank them within states. Two sets of measures that reflect important aspects of population health are used for the Rankings:

  • Health Outcomes- Length of life and quality of life
  • Health Factors - Health behaviors, access to and quality of clinical care, social and economic factors, and the physical environment

The County Health Rankings and Roadmaps confirm the critical role that factors such as education, jobs, income, and the environment play in how healthy people are and how long they live. St. Johns County’s high standing reflects the priority the county has placed on influencing the many factors that affect the health of our community.

For more information, visit County Health Rankings and Roadmaps.

County Health Snapshot

The County Health Rankings and Roadmaps show how we are doing and where we can improve on health.

Helpful Links

County Health Rankings and Roadmaps is published by the University of Wisconsin’s Population Health Institute and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.